Pieces of Me


Pieces of Me #3 & 4

Pieces of Me #1


I had words once,

enough of them to fill

my empty spaces, to

soothe my aching


It's all dried up now,

spaces remain empty

and I am left speechless

in a hollow room.


 Pieces of Me #2

I keep the voices inside of me,

screaming of defeat and failure.

Words I prefer not to put

into the decorated pit of despair.

I wish I could be more.

Do a little more.

Just a tiny bit more--

than what I am.


 Pieces of Me #3

I keep different coloured ideas

in my notes,

they turn yellowgreenblueblack

and I write in the midst of the night

of some perceived happiness,

of silent and deliberate cruelty,

of hums of silence,

of some half forgotten dreams


What do you write in the harrow of the dark? 

What keeps you awake in the awning abyss? 

Pieces of Me #4

I feel further
from myself
My name
seems unfamiliar


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